Possible Descrimination

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New Member
I have recently been cut back on my hours for not reaching "goals" in the store and yet none of the other employees are reaching their goals. Is there is possibly anything that can be done.
Maybe, maybe not.

If you had to guess, why do you think that you are the only one having her hours cut? It makes a difference to the answer.
everyone else has the same schedule besides me i went from 40 hours to 24 hours...and yet i am consistantly one of the highest sales people there
That doesn't answer my question.

WHY do you think they have cut your hours? What was their reason? When they sat down at the table and said, we need to cut someone's hours, let's cut mstewart's hours because...... what is the end of that sentence?
the store manager told me it was because of my sales goals not being met...however like i said i am usually one of the top two sales people every week.
I didn't ask you what the store manager said. I asked why YOU think they have chosen YOU to cut back.

I understand what the store manager said. I understand that you are usually one of the two top sales people every week.

What YOU don't seem to understand is that cutting your hours and no one else's is not inherently illegal. It is only illegal in some circumstances. If you can't give me an idea what YOU think their reason is, I can't even begin to guess if you have any legal recourse.

Now, one more time. Fill in the blank: "I think that the REAL reason they decided to cut my hours is ______________________"
well today i have been unofficially terminated and again it is because of sales is the reason they are using...my conditions in my store are unlike any other that i am aware of in this region. meaning my counter is actually on the sales floor instead of in my own area like most commercial parts pros. i was working for advance auto parts and the reason i have been told is our commercial dept is not doing the kind of business it should be. however my sales goals are 200dollars an hour whereas everyone else's are 150 dollars an hour...which the higher standard is because i deal with alot of shops and everyone else deals with walk in customers. but in my store i handle 40% of total business. I was dealing with walk-in and commercial customers. However there are people in the store nowhere near their 150 dollar mark and they don't even get written up...let alone terminated. I know the bottom line of my position is to get the commercial customer number up, but how is this possible when i had to deal with the walk-in customers as well.
And actually once i think about it company procedure was not even followed in doing so...I am supposed to have 4 write ups within a 3 mo span and I have had but 1.
I give up. Since you either cannot or will not give me the information I need to answer your question, all I can tell you is that nothing you have posted is evidence of illegal discrimination and leave it at that.
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