Possible Discrimination

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So I have been working for my employer for abotut 3 weeks now.
Two weeks ago I reverted to Islam. I was afraid to wear my hijab at work for what people would say or do because most of the people there are Catholic and older. So I would wear my hijab driving and then would take it off before I got into work.
One day, I was running late and just ran out of the car and went inside. I immediately started getting stared at and dirty looks from everyone and then realized that I forgot to take off my hijab.
I figured that they had already seen me with it on, so there was no point to take it off now. I kept it on for the remainder of the day and I had gotten dirty looks and people were avoiding me all day long. On numerous occassions, I would say hello to the owner of the small company, and he would roll his eyes and walk away without saying hello.
I went home that night, saying good night to everyone and not getting a single good bye or have a good night back. I went in to work the next morning to find out that I was being let go.
They told me it was because someone over heard me telling an employee that if he didn't like his job, because he was complaining to me a lot about his job, that he should just quit. WHICH IS NOT WHAT I SAID. I told him that if he felt he was not comfortable doing the tasks he was being asked to do and was unhappy with the way he himself was being treated, and go figure, he is not American, than he should talk to management and let them know how he felt. When he told me he couldn't do that because he was afraid he would lose his job or get in trouble, I told him that nothing would be done if he didn't let them know how he felt. THAT IS ALL I SAID!
I told the woman who told me they were letting me go that I was going to speak to the owner and discuss this with him, she told me no, that he didn't want to speak with me. She kept telling me over and over that it was nothing against my personal beliefs, well why would she even bring that up, because I didn't!
And I didn't think you could even get fired for telling another employee to quit if they didn't like there job, NOT THAT I SAID THAT, but can they even do that. And to not even give me the chance to talk and tell them that that is not even what I said.
I strongly believe that I was let go because of wearing my hijab. I had no problems before this, was constantly commended on my good work and then all of a sudden I wear my hijab and no one would talk to me, gave me dirty looks and then I get let go for something that I didn't even do.
Please help.

Halima (laura) Massachusetts
Halima - there isn't enough evidence in your posting to back up your discrimination claim due to your hijab. As far as why they let you go, keep in mind that an employer can dimiss/hire anyone at will, meaning they don't have to have a reason to let you go. Take the high road and move on to bigger and better things. Find yourself a job where you are not going to be afraid to express who you are. Best of luck to you!
Where Religon is a protected class I don't see enough evidence in your post to pursue wrongful termination. You can certainly talk to a Lawyer and ask him/her but I feel you lack the needed evidence to pursue this. Just move on as suggested
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