Possible Discrimination?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Ohio

I currently work in a call center as a customer service rep. There is another department there that handles all of our "high net-worth" clients. Over the past 9 months there have been 3 hiring sessions to bring in 10-15 advisors each time. I have applied to all 3 and been denied to all 3. Each hiring session however, has had different qualifications to get into the department, even though the position is exactly the same. The qualifications are basically; performance goals (scorecards), length in current position only (time with the company overall isn't a factor), and not on corrective action. I have met all of these with 1 exception during the 2nd session. The first time I was denied, I was given feedback as to why and don't dispute. After that, I improved/fixed what I was told had held me back. The 2nd time they were hiring for the department, the qualification for length in position went from 6 months to 12 months, at the time I had been in my position for 11 and 1/2 months. That time around I didn't even get an interview and was told that it was because I didn't meet the length in position requirement, which I was fine with untill I found out that a co-worker from my exact same training class not only got an interview but was hired into that department. When I pressed the issue with a manager, they admitted that exceptions were made due to the rating of an indivduals scorecard. My scorecard met the requirements of the position, but was lower than lower than his. The most recent hiring session, the length in position requirement was back down to 6 months with everything else the same. I was informed a week ago that I didn't get the position again but I have not yet heard why. Since this is an application for an entirely new department and not just a promotion, are they allowed to put in writing the requirements, deney someone a position due to one of those, but make an exception to someone else who has a higher rating on a scorecard (with both scorecards meeting the printed requirements)?
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