Possible extramarital lawsuit

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Oregon

My issue....

I had an extramarital affair that has spanned for a year and a half. I met a woman on a business trip to Los Angeles and have had 4 encounters with her. Twice in California and twice in Oregon. I lied to her over that time and said I wasn't married.

In the middle of 2008, she stated she applied and accepted a job to move from CA to OR. I never did say "yes" or "no" to the move and but I think that was her choice since I really think that she believed that we would get together but I never explicitly said that.

In September 2008, she emailed and called me stating she "might be pregnant". A day later, she said she wasn't. I continued to talk to her by email from that day on occasionally. About 2 months ago, she stated she lied to me and said she was pregnant and had an abortion.

Recently, she found out I am married and is trying to be as vindictive as possible. She emailed my wife and said that she is going to speak to a lawyer today to file a lawsuit against me for money she lost. The only money I see that she lost was her move that I didn't give an approval to (I said do what you want to do) and the abortion.

Will she have any leg to stand on to file any legal ramifications against me? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading my post!
She's an adult, she made her own choices. I can see how a court might be persuaded to hold you liable for some of her costs, but I think it is pretty unlikely. Unless and until you get served with court documents, I wouldn't worry about it.
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