Curious as to whether or not this constitutes harassment in the workplace.
My part-time employer has been constantly asking for new availabilities to not only me, but numerous co-workers. When a sheet of availability is submitted and it does not like the hours, it asks for a new one and specifically states that it needs us to work longer hours. We all have full-time jobs that we must work at in the morning and it wants us to stay until 11pm and midnight. Yesterday the HR woman said that if we were unable to increase our availability, we might not have jobs. I understand that the employer can ask to increase the hours we are available, but is constant pressure to do so with threats of termination illegal? If so, would I have to contact the Labor Law Bureau or EEOC?
My part-time employer has been constantly asking for new availabilities to not only me, but numerous co-workers. When a sheet of availability is submitted and it does not like the hours, it asks for a new one and specifically states that it needs us to work longer hours. We all have full-time jobs that we must work at in the morning and it wants us to stay until 11pm and midnight. Yesterday the HR woman said that if we were unable to increase our availability, we might not have jobs. I understand that the employer can ask to increase the hours we are available, but is constant pressure to do so with threats of termination illegal? If so, would I have to contact the Labor Law Bureau or EEOC?