Sentencing, Plea Bargains Possible personal biased charges and sentencing?

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Long story fiance was on parole for a F3 corruption of a minor charge from 1996, due to many circumstances, he left state and was charged with attempted escape and failure to register change of address. In his original sentencing from 1996, it was noted that a failure to register change of address would be a F5 but theY indicted him at a F3, and the attempted escape a F4, serving 3 years. THe six months he served while waiting trial went on his "old" number that he had 16 months left on. Ok, so my question is this, did he get "overcharged" with a F3 for FCA? Also, we argued that the attempted escape should've been absconding, a parole violation. He had a public defender that seemed more interested in 'judging' him on his original charge than helping him lower his new charges. He has been incarcerated since Aug. 2007, sentenced Feb. 2008 to the 3 years, wants to file for judicial but the county courts seem so biased towards him, long story.
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