Possible Workplace Age/Disability Discrimination

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I am 58 years old and have been a receptionist at a major hospital in my area for 11 years now. I have always had a wonderful respected reputation at my workplace and get along with all. Recently the manager of my office apointed an "office coordinator" which basically is next in charge. This position was just created and never existed before now. I recently had to stand up to the office coordinator about a patient I believe was treated wrongly. Since then, which was two weeks ago she has written me up for various things such as,
having slurred speech and not finishing my sentences correctly (my daughter is a speech pathologist and assured me this isn't true or close to the truth) Standing up too much at my desk (I have a bulged disc in my back), My daughter called me from out of state and I got wrote up for a personal phone call, (I rarely take personal calls unless from family and not on a regular basis by all means). I was also told, " Maybe we need to find someone else for this job." I do not have a speech problem patients can understand me fine, and standing at my desk does not interfere with my job of answering phones and making appointments. After being brought into the office and questioned about my write ups I was denied a copy of the document because "it needed revised". I feel I have a right to have the original copy of this document as well as any revisions. I believe they did not provide me a copy because they realized it was possibly age/disability discrimination. I have now put in for early retirement and feel uncomfortable speaking because I feel as though something is wrong with me. Do I have a case?
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