Possibly Defemation (Kansas)

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I'm not positve where I'm supposed to put the Kansas tag.

Here's my situation, I've got a boss who has been absolutely unreliable in many facets of his job. I'd been preparing to approach the ownership and let them know of everything that has gone wrong with him since I've been there. I was going to show them text exchanges, emails and everything like that to just show them how bad he's been.

I'm telling a co-worker about all this when he stops and asks me "Before you do anything, have you ever come into work high?" I responded "All the time" jokingly because it was such a random question and I thought he was joking. He then said "No seriously." I of course responded "No." He then went on to say he was happy because he'd gone to bat for me when someone had said They knew for a fact that I had. I admitted that I had during highschool but not since.

If he would of said this to just that guy that'd be fine but he said it in a meeting, is there any course of action I could take here? I'd be willing to take a drug test anytime to prove it as well.
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