Possibly Illegal Garnishment

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Knoxville, TN


I hope some one can help me here. I just found out this morning that my wages are being garnished by a company I have never heard of or have had communications with. They took $200 out of my paycheck, and that has caused a hardship to me. I never got a single letter or call from this company and I have lived at the same address and had the same number for 2 years now! Is this legal???? I seriously got nothing from these people, and now they are taking my money every check!!

What can I do??? :(
Have you contacted your payroll department? Have you pulled yor credit report to make sure you are not a victim of identity theft?
I just pulled the pay stub and I am going to call them tomorrow and find out what this is about!! I didnt get a single letter from anyone about this and I am about to scream.
Found out who it is and now I am really mad!! It is on a cell phone that had 4 other people listed on it too!! Any suggestions on how to go after them?
If the cell phone was in your name it is your responsibility. Have you moved and do they have your current address on file? have you closed the account? You can sue the other people for the balancw. How much do you owe them total?
I owe a total of $1,816. I do have the contact for two of the other people. The account was closed when I found out the guy sold them to me under false pretenses. I thought this was taken care of last year.
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