Criminal Records, Expungement Post Conviction Relief Act, First Offender Act, First Offender Waiver

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I too have a similar situation to a previous post; my younger brother ("Sam" for his safety) was arrested on May 31, 2002 around 4:30 pm for armed robbery and 1st degree murder in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (East Baton Rouge Parish). At the time he was seventeen, and the crime was committed with a multiple offender who was age 20 or 21 at the time. Because the weapon was never recovered, both were charged; the other young man turned states evidence against my brother so as to be able to accept a life sentence and avoid the death penalty. Under the advice of a Public Defender, Sam plead guilty with a plea bargain accepting a life sentence. Through some changes in the law, Sam's sentence was reduced to 99 years because he was a minor at the time of the crime. He is currently serving out his sentence as an inmate at the LSP in Angola, LA.

Their is a Post Conviction Relief Act which Sam mentioned that should allow his case to be reviewed in order to possibly reduce his sentence. Sam believes he was coerced by the P.D. in accepting the plea deal and that the case was rushed to closure without proper investigation and due diligence action on the part of the attorney. Sam readily admits that he did participate in the robbery, but that he did not kill the victim; Sam was a troubled child and was on Ridlin and other ADHD meds prior to but not at the time of the crime.

What process or procedure can he or our father follow (since Sam is incarcerated) to re-establish Sam's rights and reopen the case for review, reduction or dismissal of sentence for time served, and the possibility of record expunging after court assigned period of time on supervised/unsupervised parole?

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Don't get your hopes up

What process or procedure can he or our father follow (since Sam is incarcerated) to re-establish Sam's rights and reopen the case for review, reduction or dismissal of sentence for time served, and the possibility of record expunging after court assigned period of time on supervised/unsupervised parole?


I have done somewhere between 400-500 post conviction assistance appeals in my life via Habeas Corpus. Three have resulted in acquittals and release, 15 or so resulted in a new trial with a different punishment. The rest failed.

I'm not sure of the exact act that you are talking about but I'm certain that he has a VERY hard mountain to climb. Most likely, if there is any hope at all, he needs to have a collateral attack on the conviction via a Habeas Corpus.

They are not easy, they are not "a form" and they are very easy to screw up and lose. 90% of the legal help inside of prison don't know what they are doing well enough to help.

If you have the money I would have some attorney who is experience with Habeas Corpus look at his case. That alone will be difficult because few attorney's are experienced with HC. It will also be expensive because he will have to do a lot of investigation of the record.

If he files there will be an ineffective assistance claim. I DOUBT SERIOUSLY that he was "pressured" by the police since his ATTORNEY recommended he take the plea.

Finally, please forget expungement on such a major charge. His only real hope is a new trial and possibly, maybe, if he is extremely lucky a shorter sentence.

I'm sorry to give you bad news. I'm not trying to break your spirit. I know what it is like and I sympathize with you. If I don't tell you what I'm telling you, you will live with false hope for many years up and down.

Good luck, but I don't give it much of a chance. I'm sorry.
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