Post employment non compete form required.

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New Member
Hello, I am in a quandary here. I have been terminated from my place of employment after 30 plus years of loyal service. I have a 401K through my ex-employer that I want to roll over into another firms care from where it is now. I attempted to have these funds rolled over and I got a call from the present firm that there is a stipulation that has to be satified before I can have my money rolled over into another company. This stipulation is that I'm required to sign a non-compete form. When and if I fill this form out and sign it then and only then will I be able to withdraw my mony from them. Can this happen? Is this legal after all these years? Can they require me to fill out one of these forms now after I've been dismissed? I am fully vested and way older than the required age 55 to have access to this fund. Please help me, I'm at my wits end here. Thanks in advance for any info or guidance you may suggest in this matter.
Best Regards....Harry
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