Posters from countries other than the US please read

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Super Moderator
This is a US board, and handles questions of US law only. This is not because we are being snobbish or exclusive - it's because the laws of the US and the laws of other countries are not the same. Even within the US there can be 51 different answers - one for each state and then Federal.

So if you are in Canada, or the UK, or Australia, or Japan, or Myanmar, or India, we're not just being rude Americans when we will not answer your question. The laws are not universal and how your issue would be handled in your country does not necessarily reflect how it would be handled here.
I actually answer questions on a global board and might answer if one pops up from time to time. If Staff wish to delete my post and close the thread I won't be offended. If that is objectionable, please let me know.
Personally, I don't have any objections with global questions being answered if someone actually knows the answer. I'm just offering an explanation of WHY someone who is not in the USA might not get an answer. Since they clearly think the laws are universal (or they wouldn't be posting on what is to them a foreign board) I thought it only polite to let them know that it's not rudeness or snobbery or anything of the kind; it's simply that we don't know.

If you do know, have at it.

(Besides, it doesn't appear anyone is listening anyway. I've seen two foreign questions so far this morning and I'm not even through the new posts yet.)
Yep - makes you wonder how many people read this thread before posting or follow it - maybe some will. It sure didn't hurt to post it.
Honestly on nearly all legal forums there are few actual Lawyers so why does this even matter? Even if there is a Lawyer the OP doe snot know what kind of Law he/she practices or what jurisdiction he/she works in.
a bout law

the principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.
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