Posts Stuck in Moderation Queue

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
I apologize for an unusually large number of posts being stuck in the queue for moderation. We're looking into the problem and it may be an overaggressive filter to combat the high amount of spam we've received from foreign marketing teams.

Thanks again for your help and support.
I'm not sure if you got my e-mail, but some stayed in the queue even after I attempted to liberate them. Some worked, some didn't.
Should I try reposting yet?

I posted a new thread in Alimony/Support almost a week ago, and it still hasn't shown up. Is there an update on the delay? Thanks. Great site.
Thanks much! I'm checking this now. We're trying to locate a bug which seems to be putting too many posts into the moderation area. Unfortunately this has become necessary due to the huge number of posters (marketers using people from India, Indonesia, etc.) to post links and redirect traffic with spam. Looking now.... thanks for letting us know.
By the way, partly due to the delay, I mistakenly posted the same query twice (in Alimony/Support). If you like, and someone has time, one the duplicates can be deleted. Thanks.
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