Potential Renter problem, Help!

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: IL

We rented to a couple a single family residents. We hadn't planned to do this right away so hurried to use an old lease.

We e-mailed the person the information about the home, $600 rent, bedrooms, etc. They looked at the house signed the lease and gave a deposit. At no time did we state the rent included lawn service/snow removal/gardening. Since it was a quick move we offered to loan them our lawn mower - the husband said he enjoyed mowing. The potental tenant asked to put some items in the garage before they actually move in. I said I'd check - I gave them a name of a lawn care service we knew of that might work cheaply and they wouldn't have to worry about doing anything until they got settled.

Now she's stating that the rental & all she's rented includes lawn service. Unfortunately, in the lease it doesn't state directly that the tenant takes care of the lawn just about debris and snow from sidewalks. We have never had this problem before - But it's been 7 years since we've owned rental property.

I wrote and offered to refund her deposit. I don't feel we should pay for the lawn care since we didn't state that was part of the rent. They are dropping off items to the garage Sunday Rental starts on the 5th.

Help.. Please
Since your lease did not specifically state that lawn service was included as part of the lease, it's their responsibility to take care of this. You do realize, however, that many tenants won't keep up the yards and if you live in an area where owners can be cited for overgrown yards you'll be the one contacted.

It's not a good idea to let tenants drop off items (even stored in a garage) before the tenancy begins.

You may possibly have tenants who, as time progresses, will attempt to push the "line" in terms of demands. It is important to remember that it is your property and as the landlord, you make the rules (as long as they stay within your states legal requirements).

Now she has e-mailed to say that she is planning to report me to the better business bureau and the landlord tenant association. And, if it wasn't included in the rental payment we should have said so. I read the lease again and it does say that the leasee is responsible for snowremoval and will comply with city ordinance (it's a requirement that lawns are mowed). I have another question regarding the return of the deposit, but will ask that separately.
The renter is threating to report me to the better business bureau. She said if the rent didn't include the lawn mowing we should have said so.

The lease does state the leasee has to comply with all city ordinances (which lawn mowing is one). and it states in there about the snow removal.
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