Potential Sexuall Harrassment Case- Accused and possible information shared

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There was a non work party that happened back in December. I am a specialist which is below a Supervisor. A supervisor who was at the party had been drinking, along with myself. We have a previous encounter a few months before this via text messaging. Him asking to come over to my house and for pictures of myself.. nothing was ever filed as I was consentual. At the party we both had been drinking and i had stayed away from him.. towards the end of the night we started dancing.. he started making sexual gestures and touching me and i told him to stop as others at work were around.. he kept trying and i kept trying to tell him to stop.. in the meantime we were having fun and took some funny pictures with a few other people.. these pictures got posted on facebook.. in the meantime, he willfully walked with me to my car and got in my car.. started to do sexual gestures again.. i told him to stop as we were still near work people.. we then started driving back to my house.. we got to my house and again.. he willing came in.. we slept together and then he left my house upset. About 2 weeks later I was called into HR stating that there was a rumor going around and I was the one that started it.. they asked me questions about my car.. what happened at the party.. what happened afterwards.. very detailed conversation.. they then called others who were at the party in and asked them questions.. i found that they told two people that we had slept together.. did not ask what the rumor was.. they also asked to see the pictures on facebook and for text messages that were sent.. they then called me into the office again and asked me if i told anyone.. i said no.. they kept saying are you sure? i said yes.. I didnt say anything.. I then was told that they had to tell my boss.. later on i found out that they also told our director.. i have been put through the ringer on this.. the supervisor got a promotion and i still am in the same position when i have been trying to move positions.. can hr ask for all these details? can they go and tell more than just my boss of what happened without my consent? Can i file sexual harrassment against the supervisor even though it was consentual?
You hosed yourself by talking.

Never confess or admit to anything.

Your admissions and confessions could get you fired.

The fact that you consented, and admitted it, could cause your dismissal.

From now on, just say NO.
And frankly going to a party and consensually sleeping with your supervisor afterwards is not going to be considered sexual harassment.

Complaining now would likely be seen as retaliation.
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