Power of Attorney questions/credit cards

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New Member
My grandmother is 87 and has had several strokes. She is unable to communicate or comprehend and my mom is her full time caretaker. My grandmother gets a credit card bill every month with an interest rate of 27%. It is ridiculously high but my mom can't negotiate this rate with the creditors because she does not have Power of Attorney. My grandmother can't sign this because she's not in her right mind. This interest rate is bleeding us dry. The monthly amount is $258--maybe $20 touches the principle. Is there anything we can do? The credit card is in my grandmother's name only. We dont object to paying down the debt-but the interest rate is killing us. Please help!
Does your Grandmother have any estate that they could attach if they get a judgment? If not, get a letter from a doctor that she is not competent and send it to the credit card company. Include a letter from you that she has no funds with which to pay the debt.

Your other option is to simply quit paying. They will call and harass you but it will be some time before they try to get a judgment.

Another option is to go to court and get guardianship.
Thank you very much for your response. We're going to try and get that doctor note & see if that works. I appreciate your help!
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