Prayer for Judgement - After the fact

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I got a speeding ticket in WI, 73 in a 55, back in July 2003. I live in NC. After a year and a half it is finally showing up on my insurance as 2 points. I went to court (on my own- should have hired an attorney) and was convicted in Dec 2003. Even though I questioned the state trooper and he didn't recall everything, the judge ruled it does not have to be beyond a reasonable doubt, but rather convincing. Trooper had 14 years experience operating a radar gun. That was enough.

Now that I have learned about the Prayer for Judgement, can I write to the WI judge and ask for this or is it too late? Is this something you can only do at the time of court date? I have had a clean record for 14 years+. The NC DMV waived the suspension of license within 2 minutes of my meeting with them.

Any recourse to avoid the increase in insurance premium through the court system?????? I'm sure if I would have asked at the court hearing, I would have received. Of course the Judge did not volunteer this useful info. (Live and Learn!!)
Ouch, I've heard this can happen for NC residents receiving tickets out of state, including immediate suspension when the conviction comes back..

The PFJ is a NC thing. A Wisconson Judge would not know (or probably even care) about the point system or deferrment in NC.

Talk to a NC traffic lawyer. You might have a short period of time in NC to try to negotiate it down to a less than 9 over which will not hit your insurance if you have no other tickets.
Even if it has been a year and half ago??? Who would the NC traffic lawyer be negotiating with???

As far as the Assistant DA is concerned it is long been closed.
You will be dealing with NC, not WI.

My attorney told me a few months ago he had a number of NC clients shocked when a 2 yr old out of state speeding ticket for 15 over resulted in their licence being suspended and a big insurance hit when the conviction finally came back to NC.

He indicated something could be done within XX days of notification from NC. It's worth checking into, 2pts is a 50% hit to your insurance for 3 years.
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