Prayer for judgement

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New Member
I have been a resident of NC now for 7 years and moved from SC where there is no "prayer for judgement". I got a speeding ticket back in March 2007, the violation was for 78 in a 65 mph speed zone. I paid the fine, and got charged 4 points. I did not know about prayer for judgement until now when checking insurance quotes. Can you explain how it works and what is the result? Also is it possible to apply to an already paid fine to reduce or eliminate the points, or is it too late?

I got a speeding ticket for doing 60 in a 35 in Clayton,NC. I am 18, I was on my way to school and it is my first offense. I am not sure what the prayer for judgement is.I do not know how to go about this besides prayer for judgment and an attorney.
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