Prayer in the workplace

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At my place of employment, several employees have begun gathering, on a semi-regular basis, in different areas of the office to conduct prayer sessions.

Sometimes, they do it on their break time, and sometimes they do it right out in open in the office.

Recently, a group of three (including one man) were discovered praying in the women's restroom -- this is the only restroom available to the ladies in the office.

Is there any sort of standard policy on prayer in the workplace? I know the employer does not want to start a war (these employees are covered by a union collective bargaining agreement), but it seems to me the employer at least has the right to demand that employees on company property and company time refrain from doing anything other than what the company is paying them to do...

Also, if I feel uncomfortable with all this prayer around me, what are my rights? I am covered by the same union CBA that covers the praying ones...

At my place of employment, several employees have begun gathering, on a semi-regular basis, in different areas of the office to conduct prayer sessions. Sometimes, they do it on their break time, and sometimes they do it right out in open in the office. So they're taking a "prayer break" during work time? That's not okay and no different than if they were holding a Tupperware party or taking a cigarette break when they're supposed to be working. The employer needs to inform these three that work time is for work.

Recently, a group of three (including one man) were discovered praying in the women's restroom -- this is the only restroom available to the ladies in the office. Good grief. The employer should tell this gentleman that the next time he's found in the ladies' room, he will be subject to serious disciplinary action.

Is there any sort of standard policy on prayer in the workplace? I know the employer does not want to start a war (these employees are covered by a union collective bargaining agreement), but it seems to me the employer at least has the right to demand that employees on company property and company time refrain from doing anything other than what the company is paying them to do... Agreed. If they want to pray together on break time, that's their business as long as it is not disruptive to others. The employer should apply the same standard as they would for any other personal activity taking place at work.

Also, if I feel uncomfortable with all this prayer around me, what are my rights? I am covered by the same union CBA that covers the praying ones... You have the right to ignore it and you have the right not to be pressured to join the group or made to feel ungodly if you don't. If the praying is disruptive when others are trying to work or gets out of hand (i.e. they're hollering "halleluha" in the breakroom when others are trying to chat), then inform your employer and ask them to get the situation under control.
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