Pre-Divorce Spousal Support Question

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I live in Pennsylvania. I left my husband of 4 years due to a variety of factors including mental illness (anger/rage/bipolar) and his refusal to look for work. I supported us for the duration of our marriage though he did work, but did not earn well running his own biz. We separated a few months ago and he is now suing me for pre-divorce spousal support. Here are my questions:

1. Don't you have to sue for divorce before you can sue for spousal support?
2. Are courts generally sympathetic to people with mental illness. I know my husband is capable of working but uses his mental illness as a reason not to. He has been denied disability once, and has filed again. He did get medicaid and food stamps and says he won't look for work cos then he'd lose those benefits.
3. I know fault is considered in these hearings - if I brought up emotional abuse and that he made my life intolerable, would a judge factor that in?
4. Does the judge in these sort of hearings focus on finances or does he also invite the parties to speak, argue etc. I want the judge to know the context - why I left my husband, what I did financially and emotionally to help him, even after we separated etc...I want him to have the full picture.

Many thanks for any advice.
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