Pregnancy discrimination

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I am 6 1/2 months pregnant and about to start working at a hospital here in CT. They asked that I provide a copy of lab work for previous immunizations/titers, which I did. Since I have gotten pregnant, I have found out that I am no longer immune to rubeola- however, I have immunity to everything else they asked for, showing that I've either had all my immunizations, been exposed at some point to the illness and fought it off, or have had it at some point in my childhood and fought it off (as with varicella). My doctor has provided a medical clearance for me and a note stating that I am not to receive a booster for rubeola until after the baby is born, as it could cause severe defects/fetal death, however, the hospital is saying that I am not compliant with their screenings and are basically making me chose between getting the vaccination that I'm not supposed to get while pregnant or lose this job. They are saying that they are not telling me that I have to get the vaccination, but the only other option is for me to suddenly miraculously become immune to rubeola without the vaccination, which isn't going to happen. I feel that they are discriminating against my pregnancy because the only reason I can't get this vaccination right now is because I'm pregnant. My doctor has cleared me to work, I just came from working at another hospital in the ER in the same capacity I will be working in at this hospital in CT, and they had no issue with the fact that I was not immune so long as I had the doctor's note. And I feel that they would still hire a person who had an allergy to the immunization and couldn't get it or a person who's religious beliefs didn't allow them to get it, so why is the fact that I'm pregnant and can't have it right now grounds for not hiring me?
Do you have EVIDENCE that they would hire a person with an allergy to the immunization?
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