Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or p

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Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or physically or he wants to take full custody...Help!
I'm a 21 year old woman, never married, 3 months pregnant. I'm 110% sure of the babies father,(we dated for 6 months before I got pregnant) Anyway, long story short, since we are not together he is already worried I will try to take him for child support. He refuses to take responsibility for the child so he said he would just sign over all rights and put me in a situation of raising this child all by myself. Can he really leave me stuck like this? He also threatened to take full custody so he wouldn't have to pay c.s. and I that really possible? I have no criminal backround, served in the military, hold a steady job etc.. he has 2 felonies pending, has been to jail before and he has 3 different children with 2 different women not including mine. He lives w/his current "baby moms" who calls and harrasses me, says she is going to beat me up and show up at my house etc. Can i get a restraining order on her? Just because they live together, when my baby is born does it have to be around her? It seems only right for my unborn baby to have a father around but w/a baby moms who constantly harrasses me and a father who either will try to take my child permanently or not pay for anything and sign over his rights what am I to do? ANY advice would be GREATLY appreciated. My email is Thank you!!
A little helpful bit of info

undefinedIt seems that you are facing a difficult road but from my past experience, it is very difficult for a father to get custody of a child without proving you are an unfit mother. It is also very difficult to fnd a good mother unfit (atleast in michigan). If you are not unfit the worst thing that could happen is he might get some limited visitation. Hope this helps...
A father CAN NOT sign away his rights unless you ask him to. Call your local support office in the county in which you live. You may have to call the prosecutor's office. You may have problems until you give birth to the baby but stand your ground. If you have to file a restraining order.

I hope this helps.
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