pregnant discrimination??

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Me and my wife found out we are pregnant. She told her boss About the news. Her boss was disappointed and gave her a lecture about the only reason she got her job was they needed someone dependable. What I am worried about is the person my wife replaced was fired for recovering from a surgery. Is there anything we can do if she gets fired over this?
We are in Utah and she is a secretary for a prostheses place
It says employers with 15 or more employees. At her branch in utah there are only 3 employees so does that apply????
It is a big orthopedic group she works for
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You're looking at a Federal law so it doesn't matter how many employees are in Utah and how many are in other states. As long as there are over 15 employees, the statute applies.

Just to be clear, she cannot legally be fired BECAUSE she is pregnant. However, pregnancy is not a guarantee of employment either. She can still be fired for any reason that a person who is not pregnant can be fired for.
Her boss was not smart for lecturing her on this, but it is only against the law to fire her because she is pregnant. Honestly your wife mgith want to eventually look for another job if that is how they are going to treat her. If her company has more than 15 employees the statute applies, and she qualifies for FMLA if she has been employed there a year and they have more than 50 employees.
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