Thanks Army for your response.
Yes, we've gotten a lot of advice from already married people, and we both agree that it is wise to protect our selfs prior than "if" we need to.
We're both in agreement to do the right thing as efficient and correct as possible without spending a bunch of money. We've discussed this with some lawyers, but the cost of the agreements is outrageous compare to the other stuff. Almost half the cost of the wedding itself.
We are both getting started on our careers, and lives, but wanted to know what's the most inexpensive and correct way to do an agreement that's not going to break the bank more than what it already is.
You BOTH could save a bundle of money by getting married without all the trappings (and financial trap) of a wedding. A simple religious or civil ceremony, followed by a nice, small dinner for a few select friends and family could save you thousands of dollars.
Large weddings are no longer the norm for people wishing to start their lives on a sound financial basis.
My wife and I were married before judge, and later had a religious ceremony. Let's just say we've seen many of our friends and family divorce, and remarry after spending lots of loot for a large wedding(s). We're still standing, and are happy we put that money we would have blown on a wedding into our joint savings account.
That said, you must choose what works best for you. You sound like a sane, financial savvy couple. If I were you, I'd reconsider that wedding, spend some of that loot to get yourselves a proper "prenup" done real lawyers (one for her, one for you), and the rest in the bank.
Its your call, and hers what you eventually decide to do.
I wish you love, health, wealth, and success.