Prenuptial question

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I am 47, retired, and financially secure. The only income I have is from investments (CDs, stocks, mutual funds, and bonds). This is what we will be living on. My fiance will not have any contribution to the money we will be living on.

If we were to get divorced in 5 years, would I owe her any alimony since she did not contribute in any way to my financial situation or accumulation of my money.
That is why prenups exist - to prevent you from having to divide your assets with someone that didn't contribute to their existence. Have one prepared for you by a good attorney and you should be OK in five years!
In the prenuptual agreement, do I need to need to agree to pay her anything or will it have to be some amount?
You decide what you want to do with your money in the event you go ahead with the prenup. I am sure her expectation will be that she will come out of this relationship with some sort of "compensation" for the years she spent with you.
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