Previous home owner legal obligations when relocation company is involved in the sale

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After we bought the house we found the following problems that were not disclosed to us: old termite damage, sloping floors, water entering the basement. We know the previous owners knew about these issues because we talked to various contractors/help they used for dealing with these issues and we also have a termite damage disclosure they received when they bought the house.

We would like to go after the previous owner even if it means that we won't get any money back for the repairs we had to do. We would like a lawyer to write a letter to the previous owner asking for refund of repair costs. Right now we have a quote for $700 in legal fees for a lawyer to go over all the documents and write the letter. But my question is: do we have ANY chance at all ( or even do we have any legal right) to go after the previous owner? We were told that since the relocation company signed all the papers they are legally considered the previous owners so we can't go after the previous homeowner. However, my arguments against that reasoning are:
- we negotiated verbally all the sale conditions with the previous home owner
- we have one disclosure we were initially given ( signed) by the previous home owner and we also have a signed disclosure he provided to the relocation company that was included in the relocation company contract with us
- the "deed" to the house we received shows that it got transferred directly from the previous homeowner to us

Based on these 3 arguments, do we have any legal recourse against the previous home owner or will we just be wasting $700 for nothing?

This is NOT a money issue. Intentional failure to disclose is considered a fraud. If we have no chance to recover our repair costs we would still like to proceed with criminal charge. Does anybody know what needs to be done to file criminal charges against the previous owner?

thank you so much for your help.
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