Principals Negligence

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New Member
United States, Mississippi

Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008, my 14 year old son was riding the bus home from school. A 15 year old boy, who out weighs my son by at least 50 or so pounds, started a fight with my son. He held my son down and beat him in the face over and over. The bus driver turns the bus around and goes back to school. She takes the boys into see the principal. Even after seeing my sons face, all he said was that he would deal with this in the morning. He did not call the nurse in to look at my son nor did he call my husband or me to come to school so we could pick our son up. He puts my son and the other boy back on the bus. My son had to endure the bus ride home after being the victim of such a vicious attack. The bus driver let my son off the bus and kept going. She didn't even stop the bus to let us know what happened. Can the bus driver and the principal be held accountable for not getting my son medical treatment or for failing to call my husband and me and letting us know what happened? This has been so traumatic for my son, not just the physical pain, but for the emotional pain as well. Thank You
Did you file a police report? If not, why not? Did you take your child to the hospital to have him checked for injuries? If not, why not? Did you request a meeting with the principal and the parents of the child who beat your son up? If not, why not? All this reasonable actions would have enhanced your case. Consult with a attorney to see how you should proceed after the fact. Good luck to you!
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