Assault & Battery Prior class a misd fv causing BI in 2007 got court sum. For a class c assault by cont

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New Member
I have been freaking out! I keep reading that if you already have a family violence charge and you get another one it becomes a 3rd degree felony! My ex filed the police report but never had any intentions of pressing charges. She wants to drop the charges but it's my understanding they will prosecute anyway. She is going to sign an alphadavit and present it to the judge, with me, on my court date. She is also going to try to talk to the detective who mailed me the ticket. What are the odds of this thing getting dropped?
If it doesn't get dropped am I looking at a felony?
Will I be arrested in court if it is?
If she goes to the da and admits she over exaggerated will she be facing a charge?
And if it is a felony if convicted will I go to prison? Or will I be able to get probation?
I also have 2 class b theft 50-500 and a pocs class a that was deferred, will those affect my sentencing if convicted of a felony?
You have a lot of questions here. You need to get yourself a lawyer & see what they can do for you. They can also answer any questions you might have.
I have been freaking out! I keep reading that if you already have a family violence charge and you get another one it becomes a 3rd degree felony! My ex filed the police report but never had any intentions of pressing charges. She wants to drop the charges but it's my understanding they will prosecute anyway. She is going to sign an alphadavit and present it to the judge, with me, on my court date. She is also going to try to talk to the detective who mailed me the ticket. What are the odds of this thing getting dropped?
If it doesn't get dropped am I looking at a felony?
Will I be arrested in court if it is?
If she goes to the da and admits she over exaggerated will she be facing a charge?
And if it is a felony if convicted will I go to prison? Or will I be able to get probation?
I also have 2 class b theft 50-500 and a pocs class a that was deferred, will those affect my sentencing if convicted of a felony?

You are innocent until proven guilty.

Plead not guilty, hire a lawyer (or ask the court to appoint one for you, if you are unable to financially afford hiring your own attorney), make no statements to the police (if you have, STOP talking)!!!!

If you have talked, forget about it, and say NOTHING more.

You should also STAY AWAY from the alleged victim.

Usually in these matters, temporary restraining orders are issued.

If one has been issued, OBEY it.

By all means, after you have an attorney meet with him or her to discuss the case, and follow the advice of your attorney.

The worst thing you can do is BLAB INCESSANTLY, CHATTER about this, or try to fix it.

It can be fixed, but anything you do OUTSIDE of the court system could be seen as WITNESS tampering.

So, chill, relax, and wait; and get an attorney.

If you have one, you do yourself a disservice by frequenting internet "self help" boards.

You are facing a very serious charge, not a lousy speeding ticket.
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