Privacy In The Workplace

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For some months, I've been under extreme pressure both inside and outside of work. Stress levels have built to the point where both work performance and home behaviors have been affected. I can provide details, as some of them are directly work related, and exacerbate the issue.

Ultimately, this led to me making mistakes at work that I normally would not have. My boss brought me in for counselling and exhibited concern for my obvious emotional distress, culminating in urging me to contact our EAP, take some time off work, etc.

I'e followed all the protocols, been to see my regular doctor, received meds to help, scheduled psych appointments, taking time off, etc. I've received an initial prognosis from my regular doctor, and I'm seeking counselling as well.

However, within 24 hours of the breakdown in his office, I started receiving text messages from individuals in other departments, phone calls, etc about my "condition" and "I hear you're on a medical leave of absence". I hadn't even *applied* for any of that before the calls/messages started.

To be quite blunt, my condition is now known throughout the company. The *only* individuals who were privy to this were my boss, and my HR manager.

Being a member of management, I feel that this is directly going to impact my stature at work, and potential future with the company. I'm trying to get over my depression, and now I get panic attacks just thinking about returning to the office and facing the possible derision of my peers. Furthermore, being a large employer in the community, I have no doubts that word will reach outside of the workplace in rapid order.

Furthermore, I've been trying to achieve a position within other departments. I have deep concerns that this will hamper that.

I don't know if this falls under HIPAA (wasn't from my medical provider), civil rights, or what. I'm embarassed, hurt, and don't know what to do next.

Go to the website below or call the number and they may have answers for you. What state are you in? Check out privacy laws for your state. I would notify your HR department, in writing, about what you stated in your post. Keep a copy and create your own personal files. Print out the emails you get and put with your letter to HR. When people ask you in perosn or emails tell them that the information is personal and you don't want to discuss it and you don't want them to discuss this with others. You may want to disuss this directly with your boss and let him or her know that you want your personal health information to remain confidential. Follow up in writing that you want your personal health information kept confiditial. Keep copies of that as well.

"Your Health Information
Privacy Rights". You can get
this from the website at
You can also call
the phone call is free.
The fact that you are on a medical leave of absence is not protected information. Specifically what medical condition has required the leave of absence might be, depending. But there are no privacy issues involved in the fact that you are on a medical LOA.
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