privacy laws violated by the feds

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I was doing federal supervised release. A private investgator who was digging for information went to my release officer, whom readily surrendered any and all the information the private investigator wanted. Did the fed violate my right to privacy laws? And if so, what approach should I go to prosecute this case? No, I was not doing anything wrong-the private investigator was working for a dirty, soon to be ex-husband who was trying to get me back to jail, because I was now in the picture with his soon to be ex-wife. I ahve nothing to hide, but I am sincerely concerned here. I want the fed to feel it, as well as the angry ex. What can I do here?
Q: Did the fed violate my right to privacy laws?

A: No.
Most of the information was likely public, anyway.

Just what kind of information do you believe was released?

- Carl
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