Privacy Rights violated...

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New Member
Hi everyone!

Just a general question...not even sure if I'm posting this under the right topic..but here goes.

In December, a friend of mine who works for American General suggested that I submit my application because they were hiring.

Long story short, I did, went in for an interview and heard nothing back.

My friend who currently still works there has only told them that I am a former manager of hers, not a friend. She asked me today if anyone had gotten back to me and said that she was going to check with the Manager that interviewed me.

When she called him, he was very short with her and stated that he had called and left me a message, which he didn't, and that they weren't able to hire me because of a credit issue.

Now, is it me? Or should he not be giving her any of that information? Aren't there privacy laws that protect you from that? He had no right telling her the reason why they weren't hiring me.

If so, what is my next step? Who do I contact about this?

Any suggestions would be helpful!

He may have left you a message that he didn't get, and no law prohibits him from telling her the reason you were not hired.

I'm not defending him. It was unprofessional of him to say the least. It was not illegal.
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