Private seller question


New Member
I have a friend whos father had a car and the father wanted to sell it cause he needed the money to go be with his dying mother. So he asks his son to put the car up for sale on some websites and social media. The son does it and in turn was able to sell the car the father already left to go be with his dying mother but the father dont remember where he put the title and the son explained it to the buyer the buyer was okay with that and took possession of the car and the son send the father the money for the car and the father tells the son he will handle getting the title to the buyer. Is the son at fault for any type of prosecution or civil lawsuits?? It has been 5 months and the buyer has not gotten a title. And the son dont know what to say to the buyer cause he thought the father was going to handle it but its obvious that the father didnt do what he claimed he. Was going to do..please let me kno
Selling a car without a title is illegal so the son and the father are both culpable and both can be sued for the money back and rescission of the deal.

And, while a judgment may be easy to get, getting the money from somebody who doesn't have it is going to be a big problem.

As for any criminal issues I suspect that the state has better things to do than seek prosecution.

Now tell your friend for me that he was in idiot for buying the car without title in hand no matter what the story was.

Wish him good luck.
Now tell your friend for me that he was in idiot for buying the car without title in hand no matter what the story was.

The buyer was not a friend, just some anonymous dude who saw the friend's ad on "social media".

Of course, the anonymous dude still sits squarely in the "idiot" category.

The buyer was not a friend, just some anonymous dude who saw the friend's ad on "social media".

Of course, the anonymous dude still sits squarely in the "idiot" category.


Yes he was not a friend.. lol but do you think my friend is at any fault considering that he did not know the father didnt have a title??
No No my friend is not the buyer... my friend is the sellers son..he had no idea that there was no title

Your friend had no title in his hand when he sold the car. He's as much of an idiot as the guy who bought it.

As far as the buyer is concerned your friend is the one he handed the money to. Your friend is the one who owes the buyer the money for not providing good title.

By the way, in all this time why hasn't your friend's father gone to the DMV to get a duplicate of the lost title? And don't say he's off with his dying mother. His son can get the power of attorney form from the DMV and send it to him. I suspect more idiocy afoot.
Treachery and trickeration have been deployed, stand back....

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