Privet Car Sale in Florida


New Member
In Florida in July I agreed to sell my old car to my brother for $500.00. He agreed to pay me $100.00 a month till paid for. I held the title: he never changed tags or registration! We both signed a paper to this affect. In October I haven't received a penny! So I took the car back! I had to put a new tire on to move it: as he drove on the donut till it popped. I am receiving toll charges where he drove on the toll roads with out paying! And now he is threatening to take me to court because "I stole his property!" Please tell me if I need to worry over this? Yes I know my brother is a real piece of work! And keep telling myself every family has one!
Can he take me to court for this?

Of course. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Whether he stands any chance of winning obviously depends on the terms of the written agreement relating to this transaction and the particulars of the relief he seeks in his complaint.
Can he take me to court?

Yes, to second the response of @zddoodah above.

All he needs to do is pay a fee, file a couple of papers, have you served, and he'll have created a lawsuit against you.

However, you can appear, defend, present the unpaid tolls he's amassed under your name, and the judge will decide who wins.

To avoid a lawsuit, if that's what you fear, give him back the lousy $100 via a money order (retain proof to prove he endorsed the MO), tear up the contract, and move on with your life.
If he wants to pursue you because he maintains that you stole his property he should be filing a police report. It's possible that you violated some laws by helping yourself to the vehicle without going through the proper steps to repossess the vehicle. I strongly suspect that brother is full of hot air and threats, but nobody knows for sure if he will follow through.
IPlease tell me if I need to worry over this?

You should worry because you did a dumb thing. Learn a lesson and in the future don't play banker. If someone wants to buy your car then they hand over the cash and you hand over the title. It's not your responsibility to finance someone's purchase, even a family member. If the buyer doesn't have ALL the cash needed then you walk away and sell the car to someone else.

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