Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Probation and computer seizure.

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Hello I was put on probation 10 months ago for copying a $10 bill, and I'm still on. Stupid idea I know. Well anyway an agent from the Department of Criminal Investigations decided he wanted to come and take my computer and search it to make sure I wasn't doing anything else like making more money. He took it on Feb. 10th and told me it would be returned Feb. 11th. Well it is now Feb. 18th and I still haven't received my computer back yet. I need it for my job as well as for college. I called his office and they said he left yesterday and is out of town until Feb. 28! My probation officer said I would be off probation as soon as he heard from the DCI agent that it was ok. What can I do about this is there anyway to get it back or anyway to do something legal about this whole ordeal? It is driving me crazy.
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