Parole, Probation probation,early, termination, from supervised,representation,

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In 2007 I ran a red light and the police persuid me. I failed to stop. They called of the persuit. A day later they came to my ome and arrested me. I retained a retained a private auttony and pled not guilty.This case was filed first as a felony. My second apperance My attorny talked with prosicuter and came to reduce the crime to a misc. I would have to be put on supervised probation for 4 years do 16 days of sild (road work) and 100 hours of community service, as well as supervised probation. As of 1/5/2010 I have been on probation for 3 years, I have paid all fines and fees with in the firsyt year,completed my sild in the first days of probation period, and completed my community within the first year. I have not violated my probation since the start of probation payed all supervision fees and never mised a probation meeting wit my P.O . I desire to approch the court to ask to be transfered to unsupervised probation and on my side I am on ssdi and ssi, regarding a mental illness and my income is half of poverdy level. Can someone give me some more info into resolving this issue and would i qualify for representation from a public defender. any additional info would be apprieciated.
This isn't something the public defender would assist you with.
You are on the right track though- all you need to do is petition the court and ask for the change. The worst they can say is no. You might also talk with your PO about it just to see how realistic the idea is. It would be extremely helpful if you had the PO's recommendation for the change. It might even be possible that the PO could handle the entire thing, leaving it all very simple for you.
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