Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Probation laws

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New Member
I am on a 7 yr suspemded sentance for telephoning a threat and a 6 year suspended running cc for bogus checks. i have been a bounty hunter and security gaurd since i was convicted in 2004. I have my own fugitive recovery business that is incorporated through the state. recently i recieved a new probation officer, and she told me that i had to find new employment and close my company because i carry a tazer gun, mace, handcuffs, handcuff key and a baton. that these items and my line of work were a safety risk to the public as well as her and the other probation officers . i went in front of the judge and she told him the same thing and that her district supervisor sent down a letter stating that they will not allow me to stay in my line of work, while on probation. i am not breaking any state or city laws by doing this line of work, nor by carrying this equipment. A tazer gun has been mandated by the ATF as a non-lethal weapon, and does not require a license in my state. nor does the state licensing agency for security control the other equipment for an unarmed security gaurd, and they do not find the tazer to be considered armed.

What are my rights for these jobs, and can they provoke my probation? what can i do to fight this?
What state are you in?

Note that very often, probation officers have a great deal of control over your life and the conditions of your probation. If your conditions involved you not possessing any weapons, then maybe a Taser and such applies. You may have to hire an attorney to go back to court on your behalf lest you face a probation violation and get hooked and taken back into custody.

- Carl
I am in Oklahoma. My conditions to say anything about carrying those items. I went in front of a judge once, and apparently the judge and my probation officer are related. So i had no chance. Im just trying to find a way to continue my line of work as a contributing member of society. the argument was that i am a safety risk to her and the public by doing this line of work. They are not really worrying about the weapons, just my line of work. i told them how can me putting wanting fugitives back in jail a safety issue.
I can imagine why they are concerned. In most states (not sure about OK) "bounty hunters" are not regulated or even licensed. To them, this could just be an attempted dodge you are trying to make around some conditions of probation. Do those conditions include a prohibition against carrying weapons of any kind?

In the end, if the Probation Officer seeks to add a prohibition against this activity or possession of those weapons, you will have to go to court.

- Carl
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