Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Probation nightmare

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My 21 yr old son was sent to SAFP (Substance Abuse Felon Program) and after successful completion, was sent to a halfway house in Houston for 90 days. He has been extremely proud of his 19+ months sobriety. 1 week shy of his discharge date, he was given an unsatisfactory discharge from the halfway house. He didn't turn in all of his prescription meds to the facility, as required. After 10 days from discharge, he went to his scheduled probation officer visit and was arrested. A week later (this morning), his court-appointed advised him and us of the choices the court liason provided - go back to SAFP for 6-12 months (with 5 years probation) or 3 years in prison. The court appointed stated to me that it was nearly impossible for anyone to complete the 5 yrs probation, after recommending the SAFP/probation! We don't know what to do - he agreed to go to SAFP again, but is considering refusing so he can get the state off his back. Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated!

NOTE: His initial SAFP was due to burglary of a habitation (mine) - due to his addiction. He has done everything right since then except 1 thing, and apparantly that is the only thing that counts in Texas. I am so discouraged by this "justice" system! Please help.
Q: Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated!

A: He needs to start following the rules.:angel
I am so sorry for your troubles with your son. I am going through a similar experience and you're right the courts are harsh. But understand their view about the presecription meds...he could supply them to someone else or they could have been stolen from him since he did not turn them in. I hope he didn't decide to do the 3 years, but 5 years probation is hard to do like they say. Still, I would rather my son try to stay clean for five years rather then do three years in prison. He will not come out oof prison a better person, but rather a bitter person. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
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