Parole, Probation probation officer is not allowing a transfer to another county for work

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probation officer is not allowing a transfer to another county for work*i live in orange county my husband and i were both put onto probation last year in feb. 2010. We have finished everything asked of us from probation and have been doing great. We need to move to Riverside because I cannot find any work and my husbands hours just got extremely cut and we have no idea how were going to afford rent this month. We also have a 2 year old daughter. I have told my probation officer that i have a full time job waiting for me in another county, which is way to far to drive to every day from orange county and we found apartments that we will be able to afford. She told us we could not transfer unless i told my great grandmother who is 93 about my charges and if she talked with her about my charges because my job is suppose to be her personal aide doing her cleaning, cooking, and errands. Is it legal for her to ask me of that for a transfer? I dont want my grandmother to have a heart attack but at the same time i wont have a place to live. I also have no violent record, and have never had any problems with probation. We just asked her about it and she said she didn't care...I'm very very confused.
Probation is a privilege, not a right. Your rights are few, until you've been discharged.

I suggest you comply with the wishes of your PO, if you want to be allowed to move to another county. Beyond the move, don't make your life more complicated by fighting something you'll lose.

Your PO is actually very considerate of you. The PO didn't need your permission to speak with your grandmother. It was very courteous of the PO to ask, and not demand. Comply and win. Fight and lose. Choose wisely.
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