probation officer problem

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My son has a p.o. that rolled his eyes the first time in court and laughs out loud during precedings while the judge is talking , this is on camera so there is no denying the fact they but heads . When my son started avoiding him due to this pompous attitude I thought he was exaggerating a bit. When a letter was sent to the supervisor his p.o. knowingly took it then told me that I have to file a motion and do all these other steps . On the fax I stated we needed to go through these steps , and asked for a change of p.o. He was asked to do evaluations and did not and denied my son a trip to hospital during incarseration even though hosp. papers said to go . If I complain they treat him bad inside he even spent over two wks in max for a soup..He has not had problems with previous p.o.s.All kids make bad choices there are no bad kids .What can I do to get a new p.o. without my son getting harsher treatment from it .
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