Parole, Probation probation violation

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i was on probation for a misdemeanor and violaed it and two years later a new probation office calls a family member to find me. i live in anouther state and i know that they cant aresst me and take me back to the state were i had the probation. do i have anything to fear? thank you
If you have a warrant for violating probation (which you likely do), then yes they may be able to extradite you to the other state. You should call the county sheriff where you were on probation and speak with their records department to find out if you have a warrant for arrest.
Yes. They can arrest you and send you back to the State where the violation occurred. Why on earth do you think they wouldn't?
It's not that they CAN'T extradite... it is a matter of whether they WILL... the severity of the charges has a lot to do with it.
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