Problem, please help

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My wife and I have been married since 1997, we seperate in 2000 because of personal problem. She just has a baby now and she told me that is not my son. It actually her lover's son when we were seperated. That guy is Mexican and going to get deport from the U.S, now my wife wants to get dirvoce to keep her lover from deporting, we are going to get dirvoce anyway but since this problem, she wants to do it now.

The story basically is that, but when I called and asked other laywers, they say that I have to get a test to prove that is not my son before I can do anything. But since she need dirvoce so rushy so she can save the other guy, is there any way to tell the judge so we don't have to do the test. In this case it's more obvious because the son is Mexican look and I'm Asian. But even more, if something too complicated, my wife wants to fill out the dirvoce paper saying: "We've been seperated for 1 year, and now I've been living with other guy, the son is belong to me and the other guy, we will take care of him, not me".

Here is the question, is there a way to do dirvoce that way? When we both cooporate with each other, we don't have any property to share, nothing complicated. The only problem is the child who is under Washington State Law, will be my child whatsoever unless I have to do the test, which we don't have time right now and it's costly.

If somebody can help, please, I'm so headache right now. I'm also looking for laywer in WA state about this matter, if you can introduce me a good one, that'd great. Thanks very much.
My understanding is that a DNA test is not required to establish uncontested paternity when all the parties are willing to concede, include the "putative" or the alleged father. If you need an attorney in the WA area, feel free to contact us if you need an attorney at
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