Problem with collection attorney

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New Member
I live in NJ, I have received a letter from an attorney that states he represents a credit agency that received a judgment against me over 20 years ago. It says they have renewed the judgment and he is attempting to collect the debt. The letter says I was notified of this debt over 20 years ago and that I never responded. I have never been notified of any debt and never received any papers from the court of any court proceedings and when the judgment was supposed to be entered against me I was never nofified of any judgment. I have asked the attorney for proof of the debt, who it was to and the amounts and he refuses to provide any documentation. What are my options?
as it's been twenty years since judgment was entered, you a very few realistic recourses.

get the case number and court where the case was heard. call the court and request a copy of the complaint and the proof of service. they should still have it if it's been renewed. review these carefully, pay special attention to the proof of service, it will list when and where you were served (also who, if you were sub-served). if you were at the location, you might as well find a way to settle it. If you were not there, and have proof (utility bills, etc) you may try and vacate the judgment, although I wouldn't hold my breath.

If the attorney is trying to collect a debt, he is a debt collector, and thus subject to the validation requirement of the fdcpa. I would send a certified letter asking to verification. All (in this case) he is required to give you is a copy of the judgment, but he may provide more. Your state's laws my be more restrictive (to your benefit)

your best bet would be to settle
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