Problem with the neighbor

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New Member
I have a problem with my neighbor who lives downstairs. I renting appt for 6 years in coop building. I have two kids - 2 years and 6 month. And i have a lots of complains from downstairs that I my kids make a lots of noise by walking He sad that his ceiling is cracking and falling because of my kids. What should I do? My 6 mounts old not even walking yet ! My 2 years old from 8 am till 6.30 pm in day care. And at 8 pm they go to bed. Ofcouse kid can play in appt and make a
Little noise wich is not make harmful things with the building structure !! He came today after my son was slowly run in appartment from kitchen to living room. What the option??? He can not fly!!!! And how much can understand 2 years boy!!!! I even shoul walk in my appartment on my toes now Becouse he is complaining on us. And he is screaming in front of kids and harassing . What should I do in this situation? I can control kids but this is a kids ! He s telling me that hes gonna make a complaint to management but in our building almost every 3rd family has a kids and they don't have this problems like I have with my neighbor Thank u for u advise
Hi I have a problem. I live in a 6 floor coop building and almost every night somebody smoking some drugs! I have 2 kids and its continuing like 2 years. I was calld 311 and police for support but they dad that they can do nothing becouse it's happens in somebody appartment If they can see directly - so in this situation they can dodo merging. But who is gonna do it on front of them???? Our super is not reacting. I can not open window becouse of smell What should I do? I don't know exactly who is smoking but defenatly who lives from my appt side.
I would turn up the volume on my tv or stereo so he couldn't hear anyone walking. Problem solved.

Seriously, just ignore it. Some people will always complain no matter what. Your management will see the complaint for what it is... a bunch of nothing. That kind of noise is a fact of life when you choose to live in such apartments.
Hi I have a problem. I live in a 6 floor coop building and almost every night somebody smoking some drugs! I have 2 kids and its continuing like 2 years. I was calld 311 and police for support but they dad that they can do nothing becouse it's happens in somebody appartment If they can see directly - so in this situation they can dodo merging. But who is gonna do it on front of them???? Our super is not reacting. I can not open window becouse of smell What should I do? I don't know exactly who is smoking but defenatly who lives from my appt side.

You've done about all you can do.
You might try attending the next city council meeting and bringing the issue before your elected officials.
Otherwise, if you remain unsatisfied, start looking for a new home.
It's obvious your landlord isn't going to do anything, or can't do anything.
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