Problems creating messages, login

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Yes, I know, login issues. Unfortunately our new version of our registration software had an issue on Friday. This should not have happened and our guys are working on a fix. This should be remedied shortly.
I was all right again by last night. In fact, the only time I had a log in problem was Thursday.
There are problems - it's why I think there aren't new messages for quite a while. I'm having login problems in IE and in Safari especially after new registrations. This is not making me happy and we cannot figure it out.
I was having trouble logging into the mod panel in IE - this was a couple of weeks ago. I was able to log in, in Firefox. I was at work on Thursday when I tried to log in, and I was at work which uses IE, so I thought it was all part of the same thing. I'm getting my work computer upgraded on Wednesday so I didn't worry about it. But by Friday I could log into the main site on either one. Haven't tried the mod panel in a few days, and I don't log into the mod panel at work at all. Anything you want me to try that might help?
I discovered the issue. New users are being registered as non-coppa compliant. I have to manually set this. Trying to fix it as it's crippling the ease of creating an account and logging in. For now, if you have an existing account you should be absolutely fine.
I got on was told I had to log in or register so I logged in. got same message but after a few tries I saw my name so I was logged in but still got same message that my username or password was wrong and I used of some of my attempts? As you can see that was wrong otherwise I could not post.
Fixed this now - We will be using the old login system but will make some very big changes moving forward that are MUCH for the better... you'll see and think you'll agree. I'll hopefully get some feedback from you and poll you shortly.
Try clearing the cookie from this site. You may NOT want to clear ALL cookies. You can use your browser to delete the cookies or look for the cookies folder on your PC and find and delete all the ones pertaining to this site. All should work well then.

And as I said, I'm going to be making some serious drastic changes here that I am confident are for the better. While it may seem a bit over the top at first, I think you'll all agree that for this format it should be superior by a long shot.
Seems as if the issue has been resolved.

We breathlessly and anxiously await the improvements, professor.
The entire login and registration system is about to take a major change. You will now be able to login directly to the forum here and the login form will be directly a part of our new publishing platform that will enable article management and more. I think you'll like it. I'm going to launch it over this weekend. Lots of things in store that I'll be revealing here this month.
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