problems w/ landlord. is this legal?

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I live in a home in NC that we started renting in Oct 2008. We signed a year lease but when our lease was up in Oct 2009, my husband talked to the landlord because we wanted to sign another year lease term. He said that he would put us on a month to month basis because he was thinking of selling the property. He had asked us many times if wanted to purchase the property but financially, we are in no position to do so. We received a call the beginning of January 2010 stating that he was going to put the property up for sale but didn't know how long it would take and even when it sold, it would take about 30-60 days for the completion of sale. He also said that he would be sending a realtor to photograph the house and landscapers to fix up the outside but that he would call us beforehand to let us know when they would be coming. On January 13 2010, a realtor showed up without notice from the landlord, not to photograph the house but to put a "for sale" sign up and a lock box on the front door. He had a key to our home, so if I had not been there at the time, he would have been able to enter. My husband called the landlord after he left to find out why we had received no notification but received to return call. On January 20 2010, a maintenance man showed up to paint the door and check the roof. We recieved no notification of this either. And he wouldn't have been able to paint the door without entrance, if noone had been home. (he also tracked mud on the carpet behind the door). My husband then called the landlord again to discuss this and has not received a return call. I found online that first, a landlord has to give written notice to sell 120 days beforehand. Which we didn't get. And that we are supposed to be given 24 hours notice when someone would be coming to the home. Since we cannot get a response from the landlord it only adds to this situation. Is this legal and if not, what can we do about it?
Contact the landlord and again repeat that you would like to have the required amount of time (typically 24 hours) to be notified that someone is coming to view the home. If you believe the landlord will not return your phone calls, write this demand in a letter to him/her.

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