problems with driving job

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New Member
I deliver freight with the city. We have VERY long hours. Over the years our city drivers have been able to move to our line haul positions, when there is something available. Unfortunately when I am ready to goto line haul, they don't want me to move, because I an a good worker. Was told "I can hire 10 line haul drivers, but have a hard time finding good city drivers"
So, now they have two positions available, but are going to look outside the company, because they can't afford to lose a good city driver.
Unfair practices, that everyone before me could go, but they won't let me.
What can I do.
What your employer is doing might be unfair but it is not illegal. Your employer can keep you in the same position unless you have a legally binding employment contract that states you are to be offered a line haul position if one becomes available. Sorry. (You just can't be discriminated against due to a reason prohibited by law - examples: religion, race, gender.....).
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