Problems with Manager

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I live in a very large apartment complex in WI, and have lived here for two years without any problems or complaints. I have a dog and he is on my lease, and I live in a "dog building". I got a lease renewal and a drafted lease last month which I submitted. About two weeks ago we got a phone call from the office stating that a neighbor complained our dog was barking. We were immediately concerned we were bothering our neighbor and reassured our landlord that we were resolving any problem there may be. Friday afternoon I found a notice on my door stating there was a complain on June 2 about my dog and that I have the choice of moving out when the lease is up or giving up the dog. There was no mention of the lease I already submitted which included the dog in my lease. I was actually home all day on June 2 because I was sick and my dog was quiet, I didn't receive any calls or complaints. When I asked why this action was taken against me, the manager refused to provide any information regarding any complaints against me- including nature of complaint, dates, or anything specific. The manager's letter to me struck me as unfair and painted a picture of us as uncooperative tenants without providing anything specific. My problem is that I've already submitted a lease that includes my dog on it for the next year, yet they are trying to amend my lease to exclude my dog. If I move out at the end of my lease term, am I still responsible for the lease I have already signed?

I should add that the manager who drafted my lease renewal is no longer there, there was no manager for a week or so, and the new manager seems to have a dislike of dogs (and possibly people too).

Furthermore I should add that the former manager and myself discussed numerous times my intention to renew the lease. Just because there is a new manager I don't think it is fair she should try to change the original terms of the lease.
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if both sides already signed the new lease that lease should govern, so you should have the right to stay with your dog. But of course, most leases also contain other provisions concerning noise nuisances which always can be used against a pet owner unless you own fish or turtles :)

So you should see and find out what really is going on, and it might be necessary and good to go one step higher and talk to the landlord directly instead of the "manager". Also talk to your neighbors if any of them complained and how they see the situation with your dog.

If the lease you signed is valid and they still give you an ultimatum: "either move or get rid of the dog" and you decide then to move, then of course they should not be able to use the new lease against you. But if it comes to that you should demand that in writing.
thanks for response

I havn't received an actual signature on the lease, because again, there was no actual manager for a while until the new manager who is causing my problems for me. I should add that the new manager was a leasing agent at the property six months who made unauthorized changes to my lease without letting me know and I complained to her supervisors about those lease alterations. I am kind of getting the impression that she is taking retaliatory actions against me for complaining.
I have talked to all my neighbors except one (who I suspect may be the person lodging complaints). All of them said my dog is quiet and doesn't bother anyone, my next door neighbor even went to the office to say that my dog is quiet.
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