Product Resell

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New Member
Is it legal to sell/resell a brand name product? For example, can I legally create a kit with (example) crest toothpaste, goody products, deoderant, etc. without getting sued? I would not rename the product, I woud simply create kits of various items in it. Would I need a release from each parent company to include these items in my kit?
If you're reselling the actual items, you should have no problem. You're just buying a good and reselling it. I don't see a problem with creating, e.g. a tooth care travel kit and putting in a mini Colgate toothbrush, Crest toothpaste, Johnson & Johnson dental floss and Aquafresh tooth whitener strips. Trademark comes into play when there is a question about the origin of goods, e.g. you create toothpast and call it "Krest" making people wonder as to whom it is that is creating and supplying the good and confusing the general public as to whether it is "Crest" or some other company.
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