Prohibited from working due to pregnancy issue

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I am pregnant and under the care of my ob/gyn. Due to extreme nausea and vomiting my doctor disontinued oral medications. Instead they had a home health agency come to my home and provide me with a pump that provides medication for me around the clock. The medicaion is administred via a small catheter that is inserted under my skin. I was going to return to work, and called my supervisor to advise that I would have to return with my medication pump. She informed me that I was not able to work until the pump had been permamently removed, stating that I would be a liability to the company if I came to work with the pump on.
I am pregnant and under the care of my ob/gyn. Due to extreme nausea and vomiting my doctor disontinued oral medications. Instead they had a home health agency come to my home and provide me with a pump that provides medication for me around the clock. The medicaion is administred via a small catheter that is inserted under my skin. I was going to return to work, and called my supervisor to advise that I would have to return with my medication pump. She informed me that I was not able to work until the pump had been permamently removed, stating that I would be a liability to the company if I came to work with the pump on.

You might want to contact your physician and ask him/her to provide you with a letter or note indicating that you are cleared to return to work.

The letter should state that the pump is required to assist you with your medical condition.

The pump is safe for you to use at your work as a plumber, welder, teacher, trainer, whatever it is that you do.

Your employer is barred under HIPPA from asking what your medical ailment is.

You are NOT required to tell them what you are under a physician's care for at the moment.

Be advised, that your employer can have rules that prohibit yor return to work, even with your physician's endorsement.

If that si the case, ask them HOW you get cleared to return to work?

if they deem the pump to be dangerous, that is their call.

I doubt that is true, but it seems to be your supervisor's interpretation of company policy.

You can also inquire of your Human Resources manager for additional guidance.

Be ready to provide the letter, that hopefully, your physician provides you.

Your employer might require you to be cleared by their physician, again seek HR guidance.

Do not argue, and be very polite.

People have their own motivations in these matters, so make sure you are very nice to them.

Yeah, you shouldn't have to do that, but people can be difficult when they are not hurting.

Be further advised, that pregnancy is not a bar to continued employment.

It is not a disabilty to work.

Your employer does not to be responsible for harm to your baby or you.

That is most likely why the barrier is imposed.

See if this works for you.

It is always better to negotiate, rather than demand.
Returning to work with the pump would most likely fall under the "reasonable accomodation" heading for a "disability" under ADA or your state employment disability laws, whichever provides greater protection, state or federal law. If your employer is uncomfortable with the the pump, then you are free to discuss other options (working from home, etc.)
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