Proof of income for child support

Fed up in Texas

New Member
So my son's dad is self employed. The problem is he hides his income. Does not report it all to IRS. I have temp orders and have requested all financial documents several times. He only gives some of it claiming that is it.

In addition I have now communicated with an ex of his that in 2008 was awarded child support based off him claiming he had an income of $23k. I have copies of some of his financial documents showing him claiming to make $9k gross monthly in 2007. ($108,000 for the year)
He told the Texas Attorney General Child Support division he only made $23k and they based her child support on that.

Can she use that to get corrected retro child support? In turn would it help me to prove current income? In 2016 he bought cash A used BMW , Escalade, and Mercedes. In addition to an existing Truck. It's possible he put them in his wife's name. I filed in 2012 and have yet to get final orders.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
A lawyer would know how to get a court to impute income and get the proper amount of child support from him.

Oh, you can't afford a lawyer? Well, then, good luck with it.
Some people are too slick to be caught.
These very unusual critters hop from woman to woman breeding them, then leaving them with child(ren).
Even when the state gets a bead on them, these infamous males manage to slip away.

The time to be cautious is before you allow these pests to deceive you, sweet talk you, breed you, and slither away to snare new, fresh prey.

A few lucky mothers manage to get five bucks here, ten bucks there, but most will never get a dollar, much less the kid(s) get a holler.

I suggest you thank the moon and stars he's out of your life, don't get snookered again, and come to realize you're going to be raising those unfortunate kid(s) alone.
So my son's dad is self employed. The problem is he hides his income. Does not report it all to IRS. I have temp orders and have requested all financial documents several times. He only gives some of it claiming that is it.

In addition I have now communicated with an ex of his that in 2008 was awarded child support based off him claiming he had an income of $23k. I have copies of some of his financial documents showing him claiming to make $9k gross monthly in 2007. ($108,000 for the year)
He told the Texas Attorney General Child Support division he only made $23k and they based her child support on that.

Can she use that to get corrected retro child support? In turn would it help me to prove current income? In 2016 he bought cash A used BMW , Escalade, and Mercedes. In addition to an existing Truck. It's possible he put them in his wife's name. I filed in 2012 and have yet to get final orders.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

How would a form from 2007, 2008 help you prove his current income?

How about you worry about your child with him and let his other baby mama deal with her own drama with him? Why would you want to add on more drama in your life?

Honestly why not just waive support? Even if he's ordered to pay it doesn't mean he will. I was going to waive support in my case but I thought "well someday he has to pay it and then I can give it to our daughter." I've gotten maybe $375 in the last two years almost...and he's $14,000 in arrears for four kids. With three women.

I would just drop it and move on. You aren't getting anything from him the way it sounds.

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